
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Callie took a while to get to know us and didn't really play much until we got some catnip. I think she was on her own too long and just needed some more socialization with humans. To be safe, I checked around to make sure it was okay to have catnip while pregnant, and it is! Here is a short video (a little low-quality) of Callie in action.

She is also quite fond of the laser pointer. I'll have to put up a video of that one another time.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Callie playing with a wand toy -
more to report about this in a later post. 
Dana was courageous enough to give Callie a bath, and it all went pretty well. She cries (a long cat call sort of cry) a bit, but other than that, she's very trusting of us. She seems a lot happier now that she's clean, and so are we.

I noticed that it's also time to trim her nails a bit.  I hope to do this in the next few days when she's sleepy and definitely before the kittens arrive.  Just to make sure  I trim her nails correctly, I'm reviewing a site I've had bookmarked.  Callie does pretty well having her nails trimmed, and fortunately (for me), they're white, so it isn't too difficult.  I'm hoping all will go smoothly again this time.  Just the same, if anyone has additional advice, I'd love to hear it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Callie was taken to a local vet to be checked for a microchip. Unfortunately, no microchip was found so she will be staying with us a little longer.  It was confirmed that she is healthy and indeed pregnant (we were saving to have her spayed).

We're hoping to find her a good home - my allergies have gotten bad enough that I'm having asthma trouble now.

Fortunately, the vet said they have people asking for kittens frequently so there may be hope in that respect. If you can help, please contact me so that we can find her (and the kittens) a good home. She is a very loving, mild-mannered, sweet cat in need of a good home.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Callie is still living with us and appears to be rather pregnant. I didn't have the nerve to keep her cooped up while we were saving our pennies to have her spayed, so now I'm hoping to find a home for kittens as well. Aaargh. Add cat allergies to the mold from a neglected humidifier, and the past month has been a real pain in the arse.