
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ugh... all I can say at this point is ugh.  The cat was *not* happy with the kids coming to visit this weekend, primarily due to the quantity of people and the young ages. Although I've thought that she's a younger cat from looking at her teeth, she acts like an old fart and doesn't want to be bothered or play. I'm guessing she's a lot like me in the anxiety department. She's good with people one on one, but can't handle a lot of excitement from the younger ones, especially the six year-old boy. He wanted to chase her around both outside and in, and she finally hid under a chair and begged me to let her hide in our bedroom.
Since the bedroooms are a sanctuary for people with allergies, I offered her the laundry room. She tried that for a while, then hid under the kitchen/dining room table, getting cozy in one of the chairs. She also hid under a chair in the living room that's draped with a decorative throw. She went outside yesterday sometime before the kids went back home, and although I thought she'd come back once they left, she's still out there somewhere. On one hand I'm glad because it's giving me a chance to recover from allergies, but then I'm also worried for her. I know it's been cold out there and I cringe when I think she probably isn't spayed and could bring back a litter of kittens with her. For all I know, she has one out there somewhere that we don't know about.

Besides the anxiety and allergies, I love having the kids and the cat around. I would love to have a large enough home that would give everyone the room to lounge around without having to feel like sardines while they're here. It would be especially awesome if I didn't have allergies to contend with. There were a couple of nights when my mind was racing that I'd go out to the couch and cuddle up with Callie (as Dana has named her), and the feel of her breathing and sound of her purring helped me fall asleep. I had a toy poodle that used to sleep with me growing up, but I think this kitty works even better for insomnia. I'm glad she *doesn't* sleep with me, though - I'd hate to think of what it would be like to wake up with the kneading and cat butt in my face. Kinda cute at first, but then...

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