
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Ambush: A Story in Pictures

One day, Bippity and Boo were wrestling 
when Bippity gets an idea.

"Do you give up, Bippity?" Boo pins Bippity in the nesting box. 
(Just a little of Boppity is seen to the right.)


The last time I updated this site, I thought that it might be hard to come up with things to say for the next entry.  “Oh, the kittens are eating and sleeping… blah, blah, blah.”  However, that is not the case at all.

Don’t get me wrong, the kittens are eating and sleeping – plenty.  They are also getting BIG!  Their eyes are fully open but will still be blue for a while.  They are each developing their own distinct personality.  They have been practicing their skills with walking and play fighting.  They are also purring and beginning to clean themselves (and each other).

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Money Trouble

I’ve been having some trouble writing about Callie and her kittens lately because I’ve been sort of bummed out.  The ad privileges on this site have been revoked due to invalid clicks.  It happened shortly after I added the YouTube videos to the Adsense account, so it could have been from the blog or from the Ustream video that was shared on YouTube.  Either way, the funding that had accumulated is now *poof!* all gone.  If anyone has experience with fund-raising through blogging, I’d love to hear from you and what your recommendations might be.  You’re welcome to send an e-mail or leave a comment at the end of the post.  Thanks!

Don’t worry, there will be another post about the kittens soon.  The toughest part has been getting pictures of them. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My, What Big Eyes You Have!

The kittens’ eyes are open, and they are moving a bit faster now.  The kittens usually spend their time nursing and sleeping.  They haven’t started walking yet, but they are able to move around pretty quickly.  It’s especially cute when they’re trying to start walking but just sort of rock back and forth on all fours.  There have been a couple of escape attempts interrupted by us, and we now have a barricade in the box overnight.  It won’t be long before we’ll need that barricade during the days as well.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our Live Feed!

I have created an account on Ustream under my id, kiteflier98, and set up the channel, Adventures with Callie for a live feed.  It isn't always exciting, but there are some fun moments when the kittens try to "climb Mt. Momma" or she is cleaning them.  Check it out here!  Ustream Channel - Adventures with Callie.  I will record segments of the live feed for viewing if you aren't able to view us live.  Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Postpartum News

Momma and kittens resting
after a trip to the vet.
We didn't get to the vet until Tuesday because I was simply drained on Monday.  Being a midwife and kitten sitter takes a lot of energy!  I got a few hours sleep overnight, and took a naps on Monday when Callie wasn't needing attention.  Part of the time I was just to weak to get out of bed.  I've been so attentive to Callie and the kittens that I haven't been looking after myself, and on Monday I realized that I've been forgetting to eat on occasion and missed my vitamins for a couple of days.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The New Arrivals

What a busy weekend!  Not only did we have family visiting this weekend, but Callie gave birth to her kittens this weekend.  It has been a roller coaster of emotion for most of us.  I am rather drained now, making this a difficult post to write in so many ways.

About 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Callie gave birth to the first of her litter, and by 8:30 p.m. we had three cute, healthy kittens being welcomed to the world.  By the end of Saturday, both mama and kittens were settled in comfortably after a long journey.

Sunday arrived with everyone doing well, but in the early afternoon I noticed a sort of rattling sound in the breathing of kitten #2 (center of pic on right).  A gentle tap on the back seemed to help, but I am concerned and will be looking for advice at the vet tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Hidey Hole

Callie relaxing on the bed.
Although you wouldn't know it from her current behavior around the house, Callie has been an anxious cat from the very beginning.  She would greet us by rolling on her back for a tummy rub, and if another stray competed for food, she would express dominance by hissing, "My food, stay away!"  In fact, we felt sorry for the other stray (who is most likely the one to get her pregnant later), and would hold her back so that he could share some of  the food.

However, as we approached Callie to take her up on that tummy rub, she would skitter off and peek at us from behind the dumpster in front of the apartment building.   We got to know her as we lured her out with some food and eventually she would allow us to pet her.  In time, she started to peek into the apartment building and one day followed us down the hall to our apartment, going back to the front door when we'd walk her out.