
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The last time I updated this site, I thought that it might be hard to come up with things to say for the next entry.  “Oh, the kittens are eating and sleeping… blah, blah, blah.”  However, that is not the case at all.

Don’t get me wrong, the kittens are eating and sleeping – plenty.  They are also getting BIG!  Their eyes are fully open but will still be blue for a while.  They are each developing their own distinct personality.  They have been practicing their skills with walking and play fighting.  They are also purring and beginning to clean themselves (and each other).

Boppity (first born) is such a little lover boy.  He has a very laid-back personality and doesn’t mind being handled once in a while.  Not much bothers this little fella, including his sister, Boo, climbing all over him and horsing around.  In fact, it takes Callie (momma) urging him on to really get him riled up to play fight.  He makes himself comfortable quite easily and has a sweet little purr when he’s held or content.

Boo (second born) is quite the little spitfire.  She is an energetic little girl who has quite an ornery streak.  She eagerly pounces on either of her brothers to play fight, and doesn’t hesitate to push them out of the way for a spot when it comes to nursing.  She's starting to warm up to being handled, and will do what she can to get the attention she craves.

Bippity (third born) is a very curious little boy.  He is a little shy at first, but loves attention.  He spars with his sister frequently, and seems to know his limitations.   While Boo is kind of pushy about making herself known, Bippity is patient and waits for your attention.  He likes to be held so that he can see things from a little higher, but will let you know if he gets scared.

Remember the Hidey Hole?  Well, Callie has decided that she wants another one.  At first, I thought she just wanted to get the kittens out of the box to play, but she’s claimed the lower part of the closet shelf (where I store shoes) for her den.  I planned to move them back into the box and block the shelf, but I made a discovery in the process.  Once I moved the pillow out of the way in front of the box, Callie seems happy to nurse the kittens out in the open.  They still play under the shelf, but at least they aren’t as anti-social.

If you haven’t noticed yet, there is a new page addition to the site, “Links to our Friends”.  Please welcome Companion Cats in Battle Creek and Friends of Felines Rescue Center in Defiance, Ohio.

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