
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Money Trouble

I’ve been having some trouble writing about Callie and her kittens lately because I’ve been sort of bummed out.  The ad privileges on this site have been revoked due to invalid clicks.  It happened shortly after I added the YouTube videos to the Adsense account, so it could have been from the blog or from the Ustream video that was shared on YouTube.  Either way, the funding that had accumulated is now *poof!* all gone.  If anyone has experience with fund-raising through blogging, I’d love to hear from you and what your recommendations might be.  You’re welcome to send an e-mail or leave a comment at the end of the post.  Thanks!

Don’t worry, there will be another post about the kittens soon.  The toughest part has been getting pictures of them. 


  1. I have no idea how the funding works for blogs....wish I could help you out more on that.

    1. Thank you, Sis - I appreciate it! I'm going to keep reading and see what I can figure out.
