
This is the story of Callie and her kittens. We hope that their future owners will get to know us and keep in touch after
adoption . Learn more about Callie from her bio (below on the right) and through the stories in this blog.
Thank you for visiting!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My, What Big Eyes You Have!

The kittens’ eyes are open, and they are moving a bit faster now.  The kittens usually spend their time nursing and sleeping.  They haven’t started walking yet, but they are able to move around pretty quickly.  It’s especially cute when they’re trying to start walking but just sort of rock back and forth on all fours.  There have been a couple of escape attempts interrupted by us, and we now have a barricade in the box overnight.  It won’t be long before we’ll need that barricade during the days as well.

That's Boo falling asleep on Bippity. 
I have heard both Boo and Bippity hiss and purr so far.  Bippity hissed when I was cleaning up some of the cat hair with a bit of tape used as a lint remover.  I’m guessing he hissed because he doesn’t care for the smell of the tape.  I haven’t heard Boppity hiss or purr yet, but I’m sure he will in time.  Mostly he has his face buried under one of the other kittens or is nursing.  Boppity is generally a pretty laid-back little kitten and doesn’t fuss about much of anything.

Boo and Boppity
Once Callie finished her worm medication, she regained a lot of energy.  She has a healthy appetite and is keeping the kittens well-fed.  She loves a lot of attention and often comes to get me to be petted while she is laying down with the kittens.  After a while she’ll fall asleep with the kittens still nursing.  So long as no one disturbs the kittens, she will wander off to look out the patio door and listen to the birds, the neighbor’s dogs, or her favorite, a neighbor’s toddler.  However, when the older children come out to play, she gets a little nervous and finds a place to sit away from the door.

Callie has gotten restless a few times.  She’s been incredibly active chasing the laser pointer, running up and down the hall after it.  A couple of times she’s enjoyed the warmer weather on the patio, and one time she walked away a little further than I was comfortable.  There was a time before we took her in that she used to just come for visits, and I imagine she misses making her rounds of the apartment complex.  It’s going to be a while before she’s allowed to do that, though.  We need to save up for a harness and leash so that she won’t go out unattended.  I don’t want to risk her darting off and coming back a while after she’s been courting again.

The plans for Callie are to have her adopted by someone that promises to have her spayed and get her immunizations.  I’m tempted to have that done first and then ask for the money when she is adopted to make sure it’s all done. 

In the meantime, Callie is being a very good momma cat, watching to see if anyone goes toward the bedroom where the nursing box lays in a closet.  She also lays in the bedroom, keeping an eye on the closet to make sure the kittens aren’t being disturbed.  She can leap over in seconds if she hears one wake up, and she stays on alert to make sure they stay safe.  She makes sure to let us know that the kittens belong to her by rubbing her face up against them and putting her paw on top of them when she isn’t really in the mood for visitors.

According to what I’ve read, the kittens seem to be developing their senses a little faster than average, but I’m not worried.  Things seem perfectly healthy.  If I understand correctly, next week will include the growing of teeth and a change in eye color.  Oh, and of course, they will get more energetic.

Of over 140 pictures, I was only able to get a few close ups of their faces.  Of those 140+ photos, I uploaded 26 to this album here:  My What Big Eyes You Have

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